

美国奥杜邦协会力争保护加 15-01-2007

图片和文字版权均归原网站所有美国奥杜邦协会正在关注加利福尼亚salton Sea的命运。这是一个重要鸟区,被成为“鸟类宝石”。北美有五种特有鸟类,其中之一就生活在那里。加州政府正在实施一项该地的重建计划,但据目前出台的方案,没有针对保护当地的野生动物环境的。Salton sea是一个内陆湖,1905年大雨和冰雪融水冲垮了堤坝,形成该湖区。目前该地区有400多种鸟。由于水质的富营养化,加上污水的流入,影响湖水中的微生物繁殖,使鸟类以及其他生物的食物面临短缺。虽然该湖区最初是人工的,但目前对鸟类至关重要,特别是加州近年来很多传统的鸟类栖息地已经丧失,奥杜邦协会正在努力促使加州政府实施对野生动物更为有利的行动计划。

The State of California have been tasked to come up with a plan for restoring the Sea, but so far none of the proposals outlined by the state in its Draft Environmental Impact Report include actions to “adequately” maintain the site as a habitat for wildlife, conservationists argue.

In recent years the Sea’s restoration has become an increasingly important issue because nutrients and contaminants brought in from irrigation waters have become concentrated as water has evaporated. Over time this has impacted on the micro-organisms living in the Sea’s waters, negatively affecting the birds and other wildlife that are dependent on the site for food.

The area supports up to 30% of the global population of American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos and Mountain Plover Charadrius montanus, as well as significant populations of White-faced Ibis Plegadis chihi, Long-billed Curlew Numenius americanus and Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia.

Audubon and Audubon California are urging support for the State of California to choose a restoration plan that takes the best features from the outlined alternatives and puts together the best possible plan to protect wildlife, recreation and shoreline.


