

信天翁用来监测地球温度变 28-12-2006 信天翁用来监测地球温度变化

Black-footed Albatross 2000年被列为易危,但在2003年上升为濒危物种,同年,Laysan 信天翁由“较少关注”上升为易危物种,因为这种鸟的种群在三代的时间里下降了30%。相关数据也将被收入到国际鸟盟全球信天翁跟踪数据库中。

Data collected by the initiative, part of the TOPP (Tagging of Pacific Pelagics) project, will be added to the BirdLife International's global albatross tracking database. Dr Cleo Small, BirdLife's International Marine Policy Officer, said that data on albatross and petrel distribution was a very important conservation tool.

BirdLife's ‘Save the Albatross’ Campaign is trying to stop the needless slaughter of these magnificent birds by ensuring that relevant international agreements are implemented that will benefit both the birds and the legal fishing industry. To find out what you can do to help visit our ‘Save the Albatross’ website: www.savethealbatross.net


