

法国湿地对保护水栖苇莺 11-01-2007


The authors of the paper Autumn migration route of Aquatic Warbler (Ibis 148, 735-743) identify the Seine and Loire estuaries as priority sites, with some smaller wetlands in Brittany receiving large numbers when eastern winds predominate at the peak of migration.

In this respect, they say Aquatic Warbler’s migration strategy is closer to that of Sedge Warbler A. schoenobaenus than Reed Warbler A. scirpaceus. Sedge Warblers depart early, and most fly to West Africa in a long stage from feeding grounds in northern France or southern England.  Reed Warblers go later and more slowly, breaking their journey in Spain or Portugal to refuel before crossing the Mediterranean.

France has designated 30 Special Protection Areas where Aquatic Warbler is mentioned on migration, including Baie d’Audierne, Basse Seine Estuary and marsh, Baie de Goulven, Baie du Mont St Michel and Estuaire de la Gironde. None of these were specifically designated for Aquatic Warbler. But in Brittany, a project funded by the EU’s LIFE (Financial Instrument for the Environment) programme is working to increase the amount of favourable habitat by restoring reed marshes and controlling land use.


