

波多黎各风力发电厂建设 04-01-2007


A proposed windfarm in the Karso del Sur Important Bird Area (IBA), Puerto Rico, could wipe out five percent of the global population of the Critically Endangered Puerto Rican Nightjar Caprimulgus noctitherus.  

The Karso del Sur IBA is the most important remaining stronghold for Puerto Rican Nightjar, which has been reduced to a global population of 1,400-2,000 individuals. The affected areas inside the IBA are Punta Verraco, Cerro Toro and Punta Ventana in the municipality of Guayanilla.  They lie within the internationally recognised Man and Biosphere Reserve of Guánica, from which they are separated only by a barbed wire fence.

“Approving the incidental take permit demonstrates a serious contradiction and lack of respect for the Endangered Species Act that was established specifically to protect these most vulnerable of birds” remarked Joel Franqui Gil de Lamadrid, President of the Puerto Rican Ornithological Society.



