

马达加斯加政府保护关键 22-01-2007马达加斯加政府宣布一块3,000平方公里的湿地为保护区,该地区涵盖了在马达加斯加西部地区所有的湿地鸟类,其中很多种全球没有其他地方分布。这里也是极度濒危鸟类——马岛海雕的最后栖息地,目前仅剩220只。该地区1999年被国际鸟盟宣布为国际重要鸟区,同时也存在大量其他濒危动植物。国际鸟盟一直和马达加斯加政府以及当地社区合作,提高可持续管理该湿地的能力,在保护鸟类的同时,提高当地人民的生活水平。

“This is a particularly important milestone for conservation in Madagascar because these are the first large freshwater wetlands to be protected that also support a significant and dependent human population.” said Vony Raminoarisoa, Director of BirdLife International Madagascar Programme.

The decree came into effect this week.

In 1999 the wetland was declared an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International, on account of the diverse array of threatened birds found there

The area’s protection is part of President Marc Ravalomanana’s ‘Durban Vision’, whereby Madagascar will increase its total protected areas to six million hectares by 2008.

The Mahavavy-Kinkony Wetlands are a vital resource to the Malagasy people for fishing, hunting and agriculture.

“This protected area isn’t just good news for the wildlife; it’s a step forward for people and livelihoods.” said Roger Safford, Programme & Projects Manager, BirdLife International.  “The Government of Madagascar is setting an example to the world in asserting and making sustainable the real economic benefits for people and communities in protecting such biodiverse and productive regions as these wetlands.”

"We are delighted that such a large and well-known area can be offered full protection, whilst still retaining its vital use as a wetland resource for local people and communities." commented Dr Ramanitra Narisoa, President of Asity, the only Malagasy bird conservation NGO, which was also a strong contributor to the process. "This is fantastic news for conservation in Madagascar."


