史上最聪明的啄木鸟 躲避雀鹰追杀!




史上最聪明的啄木鸟 躲避雀鹰追杀!


新浪科技讯 北京时间6月3日消息,据国外媒体报道,野生动物摄影师罗伯特-福勒捕捉到啄木鸟为躲避雀鹰追杀,将身子紧紧贴在木桩上纹丝不动的精彩瞬间。



10分钟以后,雀鹰又飞回到木桩。37岁的福勒说:“雀鹰落在啄木鸟藏身的木桩顶端。我知道,雀鹰是在左顾右盼寻找猎物,所以,只要啄木鸟纹丝不动,就一定会安全。最终,雀鹰飞走了,啄木鸟幸运地逃过一劫。” (秋凌)


Desperate to avoid the hawk-eyed gaze of his enemy, the woodpecker clings to a fence post, absolutely motionless.

The smaller bird has already had one rather too close encounter with the claws of the sparrowhawk, and now just one involuntary flutter of a wing would be enough to give the game away and turn him into dinner.

Astonishingly, however, while the predator perched on the post swivelling its head from side to side, it never looked down.

And after more than a minute of failing to spot its prey, it lost interest and flew off.

The drama was caught on film by wildlife photographer Robert Fuller in his garden at Thixendale, near York.

He had seen the sparrowhawk with the woodpecker in its claws and waved his arm to frighten off the bird of prey. That allowed the woodpecker to fly to the sanctuary of the fence post, but ten minutes later the sparrowhawk returned.

Mr Fuller, 37, said: 'It landed on top of the very post where the woodpecker was.

'I know that sparrowhawks hunt by movement so as long as the woodpecker remained absolutely still he would be safe.

'In the end the sparrowhawk moved off and the woodpecker lived to see another day.'



